Anti-Catholicism in Britain and Ireland, 1600-2000. Practices, Representations and Ideas

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This edited collection brings together varying angles and approaches to tackle the multi-dimensional issue of anti-Catholicism since the Protestant Reformation in Britain and Ireland. It is of course difficult to infer from such geographically and historically diverse studies one single contention, but what the book as a whole suggests is that there can be no teleological narration of anti-Catholicism — its manifestations were episodic, more or less rooted in common worldviews, and its history does not end today.

 Format : Papier & En ligne
 Aut·eur·rice(s) : Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille, Géraldine Vaughan (dir.)
 Éditeur : Palgrave Macmillan
 Collection : Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700-2000
 Pays : Royaume-Uni
 Date : 25/08/2020
 Support numérique : Springer Nature Link
 Langue(s) :  eng
 Nombre de pages : 309
 ISBN-13 ou ISSN : 978-3-030-42881-5