Northern English has been the object of much attention linguistically over the last thirty years but scholars have had a tendency to focus on the phonology of the dialects and varieties encountered. The purpose of the present volume is to complement and enrich the existing studies by providing readers with a kaleidoscopic perspective, allowing for a holistic interpretation and understanding of Northern English. It includes studies not only on phonology but also on semantics, syntax and sociolinguistics from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, with a special emphasis on the process of enregisterment. The varieties covered include Scottish Standard English, Shetland and Northern Ireland as well as varieties from the North of England.
Format : Papier & En ligne
Aut·eur·rice(s) : Sylvie Hancil, Joan C. Beal (dir.)
Éditeur : De Gruyter Mouton
Collection : Topics in English Linguistics
Pays : Allemagne
Date : 10/07/2017
Support numérique : De Gruyter
Langue(s) : eng
Nombre de pages : 304
ISBN-13 ou ISSN : 978-3-11-044865-8
Aut·eur·rice(s) : Sylvie Hancil, Joan C. Beal (dir.)
Éditeur : De Gruyter Mouton
Collection : Topics in English Linguistics
Pays : Allemagne
Date : 10/07/2017
Support numérique : De Gruyter
Langue(s) : eng
Nombre de pages : 304
ISBN-13 ou ISSN : 978-3-11-044865-8